Beating Retreat - London
A summer evening’s entertainment can be rounded off perfectly by a firework finale.
There are three options available:
We can design a finale for your event fired as a standalone event to close the display.
Fire with a pre-recorded soundtrack.
Fire live with the orchestra.
Choice of fireworks is vital in these environments. Extensive product knowledge means we can maximise the emotional impact of the experience. Carefully selected low and zero debris effects enable us to bring the fireworks closer to you. Stage effects, which are another type of pyrotechnic, can also be used where suitable.
We have an unusual USP in that we have several musician/technicians who can read music and who have extensive product knowledge. This enables them to fire the fireworks in perfect time to the orchestra. No two orchestras will ever play the same piece in an identical manner. We use our firing system as our instrument and fire our pyrotechnic ‘notes’ to the conductor’s baton, just as a musician would play their musical notes.